This week I was tasked with commenting on Jons blog from Mrs. Maslowskis' class. Although since he did not appear to have any posts I looked around and found another student I could comment on. Joses latest post was about Tupac Shakur, he wrote how he is one of his favorite rappers and why he is so good to him. He believed that rappers should incorporate more of their real life into their music.
In my comment I told him how much I like Tupac Shakur, even though I don't particularly like rap music. To me his music his more than just words and sounds. His music tells a story and it was personal to his own life most of the time. I told Jose that now a days rappers aren't writing like they used to. They are beginning to move away from telling stories with their music and that is why I don't listen as much as I used to.
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